Care & Share offered a monthly Craft Night for over a year, ending in May 2024. The mission of this fun evening was to share a simple craft experience with our community in repurposing items that are donated to Care & Share. It was a well-attended and fun evening, bringing a community of crafters together once a month.
We discontinued the craft night because we did not have people who could lead the effort regularly. One of our volunteers, Tiffany Godshalks, recently offered to lead the activity in a restart in 2025.
We’re searching for others who would be willing to assist Tiffany during the Craft Nights. The activity is planned to be held on the second Monday of each month, from 5:30 to 7 PM. We should have two assistants to Tiffany for each night. Would you be willing to assist?
Specifically, we’re thinking along these lines:
-Can we find two or more volunteers who would commit to assisting Tiffany, who will lead the effort? A schedule would be developed.
-Upcycle products that we get donated here at C&S. These can be items from any department
Simple, non-complex crafting projects seem to work best. Many of our participants are coming to have an enjoyable time with others and take home a nice piece they have created.
-The class leader needs volunteers to help. The volunteers will assist class participants in creating the night’s projects, and would not make the project themselves during the class.
-Near the beginning of the evening, the C&S administration will make a brief presentation on the mission and work of Care & Share, and the volunteer opportunities here.
If this sounds like something you would like to lend your hand to, please contact Donald Rosenberger or Maggie Pugliese. We would like to get it started in February.
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity. It’s a fun event and the community has responded in a very positive way to it. We deeply appreciate any help you can provide!