For over 10 years, Care & Share has participated in the annual Souderton Holiday Parade. This parade is held on the first Saturday of December.  For the first time, Care & Share was a parade community sponsor. 

We are typically in the middle of the parade line-up, but this year, we were near the end…closer to Santa!  The Souderton Area High School’s Interact Club represented Care & Share, handing out over 2,500 Beanie Babies, with a free book coupon attached, to children along the parade route.

Joining us this year was a “Reindeer” that rode in a white jeep waving to parade attendees. On the jeep was a sign promoting our reindeer visit the following Friday.

The excitement for this event is always at a fever-pitch!  The just over a mile route quickly flies by and we are enjoying a cup of hot cocoa and commenting to each other how much fun the parade is!

Thinking ahead to next year, you could help us out with two things:

  1. We will have a special float in the parade to celebrate 50 Years of Care & Sharing! We need a flat-bed trailer and a vehicle to pull it for our float. Kindly reach out to us if you can assist.
  2. We always need Beanie Babies to hand out at this event. Kindly share our need with your friends.