We held our latest Volunteer Town Hall on Monday, December 2, 2024. Nineteen Volunteers attended, along with six from the Care & Share management group. Here’s a rundown on the topics we covered:
- Quarterly Big Question
- Operations
- 2024 Giving
- Volunteer Discounts
- Famous Label Sales Review
- Policy Reminders
- Volunteer Department Update.
- We concluded with an opportunity for volunteer questions and Upcoming Dates. Each of these topics are discussed further below.
Quarterly Big Question Sarah Bergin opened the meeting with prayer and a mission moment concerning work that MCC is supporting in the country of Lebanon, where 80% of the population is struggling with poverty, including many refugees who fled to Lebanon from Syria. CLICK HERE to watch the video she shared.
Sarah also shared about the refugees we are supporting in our community who are being sponsored by other non-profits. They meet her after-hours to select supplies they need that the host organization was unable to provide. She told the story of a young Afgan family. The father worked for the US government and has quite a story of migrating to multiple countries, hiding and finally receiving visas to come to the United States. Sarah shared that one of the biggest non-profits doing resettlement work is Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lansdale, settling over 35 people this year. If anyone is interested in assisting Sarah at one of these shopping events, CLICK HERE to learn more.
Volunteers then considered the Quarterly Big Question – What about Volunteering at Care & Share do you find enjoyable? Nearly all the responses involved the people that volunteers meet, work with, and get to know. This is a theme that management hears time and again, and we recognize the importance of connections that are made during the time team members spend here!
Operations Donald Rosenberger provided an update on Operations, including a staffing update, third quarter sales results, charitable giving, volunteer discounts, and information on the Famous Label sales in the Clothing Shoppe.
Staffing Update
- Rustam Lomidze, Donations, recently celebrated his 20th Anniversary with Care & Share
- Recent manager hires, promotions and changes providing opportunities for growth and development CLICK HERE
- Service and Education events included MCC Prison Kit packing and Poverty Simulation.
Sales in Q3 2024
- Revenues in the third quarter of $1.12 million fell short of budget by nearly 14% and further were about 3.5% below Q3 2023 revenues. We saw a pullback in customer spending during the late summer and early fall months
- October 2024 saw a strong rebound, with total revenues in the month surpassing October 2023 by $35,000, and only narrowly missing the month’s budget
- November sales, while not finalized at the time of the town hall, were showing ahead of the prior year although likely behind budget.
Charitable Giving
- MCC – $49,000 in 2024
- Local Partners – $35,000 estimated by year-end
We continue to put some money aside for the future needs of the organization.
Volunteer Discounts
- Volunteers received $90,750 in the twelve months ended November 30, 2024
- This includes the two volunteer shopping weeks (Dec ‘23, Apr ‘24)
- Of our 745 volunteers, 315 used the discount during the annual period
- Discount totals taken by individuals in the year ranged from $0.99 (low) to $1,852 (high)
- 13 individuals received discounts over $1,000. Total for this group, $17,548
- Average discount over the 315 individuals was $195
- Median discount over the 315 individuals was $64.78.
Following the Town Hall, three volunteers approached the administration to ask that their volunteer discount be removed, as they indicated they did not need to have it, preferring their purchases to support Care & Share’s mission. If you are interested in doing this email Maggie Pugliese (mpugliese@caresharethrift.org).
Famous Labels
Some volunteers have noted that the level of ‘Famous Label’ clothing being pulled has increased in the past year, as more merchandise has been stocked in our shoppe. A review was provided on the unit sales and dollar sales in the eleven months ended November 30.
- Sales dollars in 2024 total $166,200, a 42.5% increase over the same period in 2023
- Unit sales in 2024 stand at 17,320 through November, up 41.4% over the same period last year
- The average selling price per unit in 2024 is $9.60; average price in 2023 was $9.53.
Discussion followed concerning the number of items ‘pulled’ after their time on the sales floor passed. Based on a sample of weeks, approximately 41% of the Famous Label merchandise gets sold at discount based on tag color. Volunteers were asked how long an item is on the floor at a regular price before the tag color sale goes into effect. Answers ranged from two to four weeks. The actual answer is a range from six to twelve business days! The dynamic of the tag rotation was explained further to the attending group.
Policy Reminders
Participants were reminded of the way that inclement weather closings or late openings will be posted. Check caresharethrift.org, Facebook, or Instagram.
With the holidays approaching, the Gift Policy was reviewed. Staff may only accept gifts from other team members with a value up to $10. Volunteers may exchange with other volunteers.
Volunteer Department
Maggie Pugliese provided information on a range of volunteer-related topics.
- A survey conducted this summer of volunteers and their interest in the Town Halls yielded 23 responses. The survey centered on volunteer interest in the interval of town halls and how volunteers get their updates on what’s happening at Care & Share
- Survey results on the frequency of Town Halls were inconclusive
- Survey respondents said they primarily got updates through the volunteer newsletters and postings on breakroom boards
- An overview of the recent MCC Thrift Shop Bus tour was given. While enjoyed, we struggled to fill even half the bus. The November trip will be the last thrift tour for the foreseen future
- Volunteer hours through the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were 66,350, down 900 hours from the same period in 2023
- During the third quarter, 81 people went through the volunteer orientation. Of these, 66 people have logged hours; 30 have served over 15 hours each
- The importance of welcoming new volunteers was stressed. Volunteers should be alert to welcoming new faces to the workplace, share time at breaks, etc.
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday, December 13: Reindeer Visit, 4 -8PM
CLICK HERE for a review of the event!
- Special hours open until 8PM
- Free hotdogs and chocolate – Goodwill Truck
- Coupons for Adults and Children!
- Event will be sponsored by UNIVEST
- We can use your help, we expect to be very busy!
December 26 – December 31: Team Members Needed
- Help out during the days between Christmas and New Year
- Lunch will be provided for those working
Friday, December 27: Holiday Give Back Day
- Public is invited to serve 9AM – 7PM
- No orientation needed
- Light meal provided for those working
- Great way to spend some time with children, grandchildren
- Share the joy of volunteering!
Concluding Thoughts
The feedback we receive from those volunteers attending our Town Halls has been largely favorable. Significant effort is taken to make the topics timely and interesting. The administration is committed to keeping our volunteers informed and listening to your questions and concerns.
We struggle to reconcile the volunteers’ stated concerns that they want to be kept informed with the lack of participation in the Town Halls, and the number of people who tell us they don’t read the newsletters or the postings in the breakrooms. Your ideas on the best avenues for communication are welcome! Please contact Maggie Pugliesce in the Welcome Center.
Thank you for volunteering at Care & Share. As we head towards 2025…we are grateful you are a part of our organization!