We hold two, Volunteer Appreciation Shopping Weeks each year. Here are some highlights about the December 2 – 7, 2024 week:

  1. Volunteers, and guests shopping with them, received 50% off all items regardless of price tag color. We had 1,148 transactions, providing discounts totaling $9,962.36
  2. 593 postcards were mailed to active volunteers providing a $10 credit. Less than half were redeemed for a total of $2,492.14
  3. Raffles were held each day, and prizes were donated by the following businesses. Photos of the winners are below!

Discounts and postcard credits redeemed by volunteers this week from Care & Share totaled $12,454.50. This was one of our biggest volunteer appreciation weeks ever!

Thank you for your volunteer service to Care & Share.  We wish you an enjoyable holiday season!