Care & Share has hosted a ‘Volunteer Happy Hour’ for the past several years. It has been a successful means to provide opportunity for interested people to spend some time volunteering here or to bring their family or friends for an evening of service.
As we enter 2025, we are rebranding the evening to ‘Volunteer Open House’, effective this January. The core purpose and mission of the evening is unchanged, but the new name is intended to give more clarity to people who see our advertisements for the monthly event.
Volunteer Open House continues on the last Tuesday of each month, from 5 – 8 PM. It’s a great opportunity to introduce the next generation to the concept and importance of volunteerism. New volunteers come to the Welcome Center; established volunteers can clock in as they normally do upon arrival.
It is fine to try out a new department or a new task on these evenings if you’re curious! If you know of a youth group, Sunday School class, book club, sports team, etc. that might be looking for a service opportunity, Volunteer Open House is a great place to start!
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, January 28!